Monday, July 27, 2009

Item Of the Week!!!!

Hi everyone so sorry for the long break away from the blog.  We are back in L.A, have an amazing studio, and have been working super hard on our newest collection.  We are going to start an even newer blog to highlight our adventures here in L.A. As for now we are going to use it as a way to highlight some of our vintage hoarding and treasures and highlight some items which we will be selling on etsy.  So for our first post I figured we would start with a bang.

Here are some vintage Ferragamo's, Never been worn!!! size 5.5 Super cute. You can buy them here. Keep up with us and we will be updating this blog later this week with our bigger upload as we set up our etsy store. 

Well it feels good to be back on the blogging horse and am excited for what we have to come hope you are to.